

PANEL 1: Global Perspectives<\/strong><\/div>\n<\/p>\n

WHEN: MONDAY 23 SEPTEMBER 2019<\/h4>\n

Automotive industry research and development is taking place all over the world. Yet, the research that is presented at Auto-UI has so far mostly been from Europe and Northern America. In effect, our community is missing out on important trends and developments that happen in other countries and continents. Moreover, driving cultures and automotive customer expectations might be very different between countries. As the Auto-UI community is growing, a more global perspective is needed to aid the design and evaluation of (in-) car technology, technology use, and user experience. Moreover, such a platform can stimulate cross-nation collaboration.<\/p>\n

The aim of this panel is to provide a platform to discuss these matters. Key researchers and practitioners from a variety of continents have been asked to discuss relevant topics, such as: <\/strong><\/p>\n