For Authors

Welcome to AUTOUI 2020

AutomotiveUI (AutoUI), the International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, is the premier forum for UI research in the automotive domain. The conference brings together over 200 researchers and practitioners interested in both the technical and the human aspects of in-vehicle user interfaces and applications. Consistent with prior conferences, AutoUI 2020 will address novel in-vehicle services, models of and concepts for enhancing the driver experience, driver performance and behavior, development of (semi-) autonomous driving, and the needs of different user groups.

AutoUI 2020 virtual conference invites you to submit original work in one or more of the following formats: papersworks in progress, workshops and tutorials, and doctoral colloquium.”

Important Dates (COVID-19 Update)

Submission Deadlines

Full Paper: May 8, 2020
Work in Progress: June 5, 2020
Workshops and Tutorials: June 5, 2020
Doctoral Colloquium: July 3, 2020

All deadlines are AoE (anywhere on earth) on the date shown.

Submission Types


AutoUI Papers are archival publications of original research. Authors are invited to submit papers formatted in accordance with the new single-column ACM SIGCHI format. All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings which will be archived in the ACM digital library. Authors of accepted papers will create a video presentation in advance of the conference, which will be made available for virtual conference attendees. During the virtual conference, authors will also participate in an online live Q&A and discussion panel. Details about this submission category can be found at

Contact: Bill Horrey, Satoshi Kitazaki, and Shadan Sadeghian

Work in Progress

A Work in Progress (WiP) is a concise report of late-breaking findings or other types of innovative or thought-provoking work relevant for the AutoUI community. WiP abstracts appear in the AutoUI Adjunct Proceedings. The authors retain copyright, and the material from them can be used as the basis for future publications as long as there are significant revisions from the original.

A significant benefit of a Work in Progress derives from the discussion between the author and conference attendees fostered by the “face-to-face” presentation of the work. In this spirit, authors of accepted WiP submissions will: (a) create and submit posters of their work; and, (b) virtually present these posters in an interactive online forum during the virtual conference. 

Details about this submission category can be found at

Contact: Jim Jenness, Yi-Ching Lee, Anuj Pradhan, and Bruce Walker


Workshops and Tutorials

AutoUI focuses on research related to the development and use of automotive user interfaces.  Workshops and tutorials provide the opportunity to address topics that are of common interest to a selective group of Auto-UI attendees. Workshops and tutorial organizers will host/attend their sessions at the virtual conference. Through a mix of recorded videos, live sessions (Q&A, breakout sessions), and other creative means, the organizers will interact with the attendees virtually during the virtual conference. Details about this submission category can be found at

Contact: Shan Bao, Winnie Chen, Ian Reagan, and Jaka Sodnik


Doctoral Colloquium

The Doctoral Colloquium brings together PhD students working on topics related to the AutoUI conference, providing them with an opportunity to present and discuss their proposed dissertations with peers and senior faculty. It will further provide opportunities for PhD students to network and facilitate professional development by sharing research interests. Details about this submission category can be found at

Contact: Andreas Riener and Birsen Donmez


Conference Topics
The following provides a non-exhaustive list of conference topics.

Devices & Interfaces

  • Multi-modal, speech, audio, gestural, natural input/output
  • In-car gaming, entertainment and social experiences
  • Interfaces for navigation
  • Text input and output while driving
  • Applications and user-interfaces for inter-vehicle communication
  • Sensors and context for interactive experiences in the car
  • Biometrics and physiological sensors as a user interface component
  • Electric vehicle interfaces
  • Affective intelligent interfaces
  • Future interfaces and technology for the automotive domain

Automation & Instrumentation

  • Automated driving and interfaces for (semi) autonomous driving
  • Head-Up Displays (HUDs) and Augmented Reality (AR) concepts
  • Cooperative Driving/Connected Vehicles
  • Assistive technology in the vehicular context
  • Information access (search, browsing, etc.)
  • Vehicle-based apps, web/cloud enabled connectivity
  • Entertainment and play (semi) autonomous driving
  • Ethics

Evaluation & Benchmarking

  • Methods and tools for automotive user-interface research, including simulation
  • Automotive user-interface frameworks and toolkits
  • Naturalistic/field studies of automotive user interfaces
  • Automotive user-interface standards
  • Modeling techniques for cognitive workload and visual demand estimation

Driver Performance & Behavior

  • Different user groups and user group characteristics
  • Subliminal cues, warnings and feedback to augment driving behavior
  • Emotional state recognition while driving
  • Detecting / measuring driver distraction and workload
  • Detecting and estimating user intentions
  • Driver modeling
  • Human cognition and behavior in automotive settings