Doctoral Colloquium
After its inauguration in 2013, the Doctoral Colloquium has become an integral part of the AutomotiveUI' conference. Its aim is bringing together PhD students working on topics related to the field of automotive user interfaces and interactive vehicular applications, and offering them an opportunity to present and discuss their research to an audience of peers and senior faculty. PhD students will receive feedback from their peers about the appropriateness of their idea/topic/research approach, and will enjoy discussing their research with senior members of the community.
The doctoral colloquium is scheduled prior to the main conference program on Tuesday, September 1st, 2015.
The topics of the AutomotiveUI'14 doctoral colloquium are basically the ones of the main conference.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: July 13, 2015Notification: July 27, 2015- Camera-ready (all material): August 17, 2015
- Doctoral colloquium at the conference: September 1, 2015 (half day)
The AutomotiveUI 2015 doctoral colloquium welcomes contributions from doctoral students currently registered in a PhD program. Ideal candidates should have worked on their dissertation for some months; thus, they should have chosen a research topic and possibly have also selected theoretical and methodological approaches. Selection of participants will be based on the quality of the submission and its relevance to the conference topics of interest.
Travel Grants
We intend to provide travel grants to allow more students to take part in the doctoral colloquium; however, at this time we are still negotiating with potential sponsors so that we cannot guarantee at all to offer travel grants. If you think you are eligible for receiving a travel grant and want to apply in case we have grants, please mention this in your application. We will come back to you and request the required information timely.
Submission Format
Submissions are not anonymous and should include all author name, affiliation, and full contact information. Submissions must be single-author, but the name of the supervisor(s) should also be mentioned in the paper. The conversation language of the colloquium is English and all submitted materials must be also in English. Research students wishing to apply for the doctoral colloquium should submit up to 5 pages including figures, references, and a 100 word abstract using the format of the main conference (ACM SIGCHI two column page layout). Templates for LaTeX and MS Word are available for download here. Please stick to the templates to foster consistent submissions. Each submitted paper will be reviewed by the members of the doctoral colloquium program committee.
The position statement should:
- Clearly formulate the research question/approach,
- Present key related work (current status of the problem domain and related solutions),
- Point out significance and innovation (expected contributions),
- Describe the research methodology that is applied or planned,
- Outline your contribution to the problem domain and highlight the uniqueness of your approach,
- Pose questions and issues (that you'd like to discuss at the doctoral colloquium)
In addition, a one page biographical sketch (CV) should be submitted, including a paragraph stating what you hope to get out of participating in the doctoral colloquium.
Please send applications (position statement, biographical sketch) as soon as possible but no later than July 13, 2015 to Andreas Riener, Doctoral Colloquium Chair at Should you have any questions don't hesitate to contact the DC chair at any time (at the same address).
Review Process
All submitted DC proposals will be reviewed by an independent review committee and the submissions ranked based on criteria like clarity of the research statement, novelty, significance, potential, diversity, etc. Submissions will be ranked, and seats at the DC granted based on score.
Preparation for the Doctoral Colloquium
Every participant should prepare a Powerpoint (or LaTeX beamer, PDF, etc.) presentation (15-20min. length; ca. 10-15 slides), which will be followed by a 15-20min. discussion with the panelists (and other participants).
- Your presentation should be structured along the submitted proposal and contain the following (mandatory) parts:
- 1 slide CV (at the very begin; introduce yourself/what is your background/etc.)
- Clearly formulated research question/hypothesis
- Present key related work (and relate it to your work)
- Point out the significance of your approach (what is the contribution?, uniqueness of your approach?)
- Research methodology
- Findings (if any at this time)
- List open issues and questions you have to the auditorium at the end
Further information:
- No template is provided for the presentation; use your own style (institute layout)
- Please submit the presentation (source + PDF format) by Thursday, August 17th, 2015 at latest to doctoral ('at') auto-ui 'Dot' org.
- Most likely, there will be no presentation notebook supported by the conference - so please bring your notebook. (If not possible, just let us know in advance – and we will find a way for you to present your work at the DC).
- The presentation PDFs together with your camera ready proposals will be shared with the panelists (they also need a few days to read through it - so please stick to the deadline indicated above).
- The DC “lives” from an active debate/discussion. So you will also receive the camera ready proposal of other DC students and should read through these papers, so being able to follow the discussion at the DC, ask questions, criticize the approach, etc.
Confidentiality and DC Proceedings
The doctoral colloquium is closed for the public, i.e., by invitation only (DC panelists and chiar, PhD students). If your work contains confidential information and you wish having signed a NDA by the participants, you need to bring that form (and send me copy for review before the conference).
We will compile adjunct proceedings for the DC, but they will not be published and only shared with the panelists to prepare for the DC and each of the PhD students participating in the DC will also receive a copy.
This is a precautionary measure that should help to protect your work carried out in your PhD studies. If all the PhD students accepted for the DC agree, we can put the DC proceedings online at the AutoUI website (after the conference).
Dctoral Colloquium Chair
- Andreas Riener, Institute for Pervasive Computing, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria
Panelists for the DC (alphabetical order)
- Linda Boyle, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, US
- Paul Green, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, US
- Pat Langdon, University of Cambridge, UK
- Manfred Tscheligi, University of Salzburg, Austria
- Bruce Walker, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, US (not yet confirmed)
DC review committee (alphabetical order)
- Myounghoon "Philart" Jeon, Michigan Technological University, MI, US
- John Krumm, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, US
- Andrew Kun, University of New Hampshire, NH, US
- Andreas Riener, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria
- Dale Richards, Coventry University, UK
For further information, please contact the doctoral colloquium chair at doctoral ('at') auto-ui 'Dot' org.