General Chair
chair ('at') auto-ui 'Dot' org
University of Nottingham, UK |
Program Co-Chairs
papers ('at') auto-ui 'Dot' org
Joe Gabbard Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, US |
Paul Green University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) and Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, US |
Sebastian Osswald Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany |
Work-In-Progress & Demo Co-Chairs
wip-demos ('at') auto-ui 'Dot' org
University of Munich (LMU), Germany |
Andrew L. Kun University of New Hampshire, US |
Workshop Co-Chairs
workshops ('at') auto-ui 'Dot' org
Alexander Meschtscherjakov Center for Human-Computer Interaction / Christian Doppler Laboratory "Contextual Interfaces", University Salzburg, Austria |
Telecommunications Research Center Vienna (FTW), Austria |
Doctoral Colloquium Co-Chair
doctoral ('at') auto-ui 'Dot' org
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria |
Publication Co-Chairs
publication ('at') auto-ui 'Dot' org
Ayse Eren Human Factors Research Group, University of Nottingham |
Vicki Antrobus Human Factors Research Group, University of Nottingham |
webmaster ('at') auto-ui 'Dot' org
University of Oldenburg, Germany |
University of Munich (LMU), Germany |
Local Arrangement Co-Chairs
local ('at') auto-ui 'Dot' org
Lesley Gray University of Nottingham, UK |
Diane Karim University of Nottingham, UK |