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Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission deadline: April 3, 2025
  • Full Paper Submission deadline: April 10, 2025
  • Decision notification: TBA
  • Camera ready deadline: TBA
  • Paper sessions: TBA

All deadlines are AoE (anywhere on earth) on the date shown.


AutomotiveUI papers are peer-reviewed, archival publications of original research. Authors are invited to submit papers formatted in accordance with the new single-column ACM SIGCHI format using the Precision Conference Submission system. All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library. For accepted papers, at least one author is required to register for the conference and present the work. 

We look forward to your submissions!

Alexander Mirnig, Xiaomeng Li, and Huei-Yen Winnie Chen

Technical Program Chairs


Thank you for considering to submit to the papers track of AutomotiveUI 2025.

The papers track is meant for your best, original scientific work that is not published elsewhere. 

If you are new to the community, we encourage you to explore the AutomotiveUI proceedings (incl. papers track) and adjunct proceedings (incl. the other tracks) of previous conferences (see the top of the page). Note that the formatting of papers has recently changed.

Selection criterion is scientific excellence: Our reviewing process is designed to promote scientific excellence, explained in more detail below. Acceptance is highly competitive: regardless of area, all accepted papers will score highly on contribution, innovation, and quality of thought and writing. Submit your best work!

Paper length: The length should be proportional to the contribution, with a maximum of 13 pages. More details are provided below under “further details”. 

Desk-rejects and Quick Rejects: The volume of paper submissions is increasing each year. This growth increases the pressure on our Associate Chairs and reviewer pool to handle the review of all submissions. Similar to other ACM SIGCHI conferences we, therefore, follow a process in which there is an opportunity for desk-rejects and quick rejects. The procedures are explained below under “further details”.

Thematic subcommittees: In order to handle the increasing number of submissions and maintain a high-quality review process, the Automotive UI ’25 organizing team will establish thematic subcommittees, similar to ACM CHI but on a smaller scale to suit the scope of Automotive UI. There will be 3-4 subcommittees and each subcommittee will be led by one subcommittee chair. Experienced senior members of the Automotive UI community will fill the subcommittee chair roles. The subcommittees and its chairs will be made public after the full paper submission has passed.

Alexander Mirnig, Xiaomeng Li, and Huei-Yen Winnie Chen

Technical Program Chairs

papers(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)

Further details


Intended contributions

Intended contributions are used to match each paper to an Associate Chair and reviewers who have expertise in that particular area. Each author is asked to select one main (and one optional second) intended contribution. We distinguish between the following categories:

  • Quantitative user study and human factors. Contribution focusing on a quantitative (e.g., statistical) analysis of user behavior and experience. For example, description and evaluation of an experiment.
  • Qualitative user study and / or human factors. Contribution in which qualitative, contextual insight about user behavior and experience is central. For example, focus groups, interviews, or ethnographic studies.
  • Design and artifact prototyping. Contribution in which the design or refinement of an interaction concept is central. For example, design fiction or naturalistic user enactment.
  • Software, technology, and engineering. Contribution in which the technical development of a system is central. For example, studies that provide insight in fundamental (engineering) properties of touch- or audio-based interfaces in such a way that they provide an essential contribution for human-vehicle interaction as well as  future mobility studies more broadly.
  • Research method. Contribution in which a novel research method or refinement of a research method is central. For example, development and validation of a new questionnaire or other critical instrument for measuring or analyzing human-vehicle interaction.
  • Simulation and modeling. Contribution in which simulation or modeling of the human, the environment, or the world is central. For example, cognitive models of human attention, statistical models of likelihood of an accident, or simulations of automated driving scenarios.
  • Theory. Contribution in which theoretical refinement is central, typically based on a systematic review. Such a theoretical contribution should be more than a summary of existing literature. For example, a review of literature on a specific topic to inform novel insights and perspectives or unknown knowledge gaps in the literature.
  • Other. This category that can be used by researchers that think their work is not captured by any of the above contribution types. Please note: If your study fits two or more, we advise you to NOT pick “other”, but rather set the main contribution and the most important second contribution. For example, a paper could introduce a design concept that is also studied using a user study that has a quantitative and qualitative component. 


Topics can be used to allocate your paper to an AC or reviewer with knowledge in that area.

At this year’s AutoUI we are particularly interested in submissions in these categories:


    • Different input modalities, such as multi-modal, speech, audio, gestural, thermal, touch, natural input/output
    • Different output modalities, such as multi-modal, audio, gestural, thermal, touch, natural input/output
    • In-car gaming, entertainment and social experiences
    • Interfaces for navigation
    • Text input and output while driving
    • Applications and user-interfaces for inter-vehicle communication
    • Sensors and context for interactive experiences in the car
    • Biometrics and physiological sensors as a user interface component
    • Electric vehicle interfaces
    • Affective intelligent interfaces
    • Future interfaces and technology for the automotive domain


    • Automated driving and interfaces for (semi) autonomous driving
    • Head-Up Displays (HUDs) and Augmented Reality (AR) concepts
    • Cooperative Driving/Connected Vehicles
    • Assistive technology in the vehicular context
    • Information access (search, browsing, etc.)
    • Vehicle-based apps, web/cloud enabled connectivity
    • Entertainment and play (semi) autonomous driving
    • Ethics


    We explicitly invite and encourage submissions targeting a wide scope of automated mobility solutions. Papers discussing relevant challenges and proposing solutions for low automation levels (SAE levels 1 and 2) are just as welcome as papers discussing control transitions for SAE level 3 systems, or aspects of uncrewed drone operations, remote management, or any other relevant higher-automation challenge. 


    Proposals for mobility solutions outside the “standard” spectrum of interaction solution for powered individual mobility means (automated or non-automated). This category includes both environmental and social aspects subtopics such as:

    • User interaction with or user interfaces for green cars and car sharing
    • User interaction with or user interfaces for (automated) public transport
    • User perception, acceptance and trust in technologies related to sustainability, environmental impact
    • Interaction solutions for low-/non-powered and micro mobility means (e.g., bikes/e-bikes, scooters/e-scooters)
    • User interfaces for behaviour change towards sustainable mobility
    • Environmental impact of technologies related to AutomotiveUI
    • Prosocial traffic behaviour


    • Accessibility of AutomotiveUI-related technology, settings, and contexts
    • Under-represented groups and their experiences
    • Technologies that accommodate more than “the average” user
    • Experience in and perspective on AutomotiveUI for the Global South


    AutomotiveUI technologies and interventions, and automated technology can change experience in various ways. This broad category captures aspects such as the relationship between AutomotiveUI and:

    • Ethics (related to AutomotiveUI)
    • Human and humane experiences (related to AutomotiveUI)
    • Trust (related to AutomotiveUI)
    • Ethical and social dilemma’s (related to AutomotiveUI)
    • Philosophical perspectives (related to AutomotiveUI)


    • Design and validation of novel interfaces and artifacts
    • Novel methods, insights from engaging in or with the design of interactive systems and artefacts.


    Areas where the field of “computational interaction” (see subcommittee description for CHI) intersects with AutomotiveUI

    For example: use of signal detection theory, statistics, control theory, natural language processing, machine learning, deep learning, cognitive architectures, simulation to gain insight into AutomotiveUI

    • Computational cognitive or social models to predict human behaviour for future interfaces
    • Models or simulations to integrate insights about driving (e.g. in cognitive architectures)


    We encourage submissions that take a radically different (“out of the box”) perspective compared to previous AutomotiveUI publications, provided that this perspective is relevant for the AutomotiveUI community and shows scientific rigour and clarity. For example, papers that apply different methods, or that test an idea that goes against popular opinion. This category is not meant to cover what CHI calls “Alt-CHI” (as in: work that is hard to get into CHI). Rather, it encourages different perspectives that are scientifically valid and grounded, but that are in a substantial way different from the “typical” AutomotiveUI paper.


    • Methods and tools for automotive user-interface research, including simulation
    • Automotive user-interface frameworks and toolkits
    • Naturalistic/field studies of automotive user interfaces
    • Automotive user-interface standards
    • Modelling techniques for cognitive workload and visual demand estimation


    • Human cognition and behavior in automotive settings
    • Different user groups and user group characteristics
    • Subliminal cues, warnings and feedback to augment driving behaviour
    • Emotional or cognitive state recognition while driving
    • Detecting/measuring driver distraction and workload
    • Detecting and estimating user intentions
    • (Cognitive or social) Modelling of driver though, behaviour, and experience
    Prepare and Submit

    The papers track is meant for your best, original scientific work that is not published elsewhere. Please know that there are other tracks at AutomotiveUI if your work is

    • not yet complete, but would benefit from feedback from the community (“Work in progress (WIP) submissions”);
    • aimed at community forming (Workshop or Tutorial proposals);
    • a video or a demonstration of an important development (“Video and Demo tracks”); or
    • meant as feedback on ongoing doctoral (PhD) dissertation research (“Doctoral Colloquium (DC)”).

    Authors are invited to submit papers that are formatted in accordance with the new single-column ACM SIGCHI format. Below are more details on paper format and length.

    1. Paper submissions must use the single-column ACM SIGCHI template. The preferred submission template is in LaTeX. Please use the latest version of the Master Article Template – LaTeX (2.12; published January 2, 2025) to create your article submission. It is also available as a template on Overleaf. With the “sample-sigconf.tex” template, use the “manuscript” call to create a single column format, i.e., setting \documentclass[manuscript]{acmart}. Please review the LaTeX documentation and ACM’s LaTeX best practices guide should you have any questions.

    Alternatively, you can use Word (not recommended): Write your paper using the Submission Template (Review Submission Format). Follow the embedded instructions to apply the paragraph styles to your various text elements. The text is in single-column format at this stage and no additional formatting is required at this point. A video demonstration of the template can be found here:

    More details regarding the new ACM workflow for publications can be found here:

    We encourage the practice of open science.

    1. Originality, writing, and formatting. In a nutshell, submit your best work as the reviewing process is competitive. AutomotiveUI papers cover a variety of areas. However, regardless of area, all accepted papers score highly on contribution, innovation, and quality of thought and writing.
      In more detail:
      Your submission must be original; it cannot be published or be under concurrent review elsewhere. If you make multiple submissions to AutomotiveUI 2025, along any track, they must be distinct from each other.
    • Relevance to AutomotiveUI: We expect submissions to bear relevance to the AutomotiveUI community and previous publications. Submissions should strive to make this explicit by referencing proceedings of previous years, which are available through the ACM digital library.
    • Paper Length. Authors are encouraged to submit a paper of length proportional to its contribution, with a minimum of 6 pages and maximum of 13 pages (single column, formatted using the provided template). References do not count towards this page limit. All other page elements do count. The final (camera-ready) version of the paper in the two-column format must amount to 12 pages or fewer including references. Shorter, more focused papers are encouraged and will be reviewed like any other paper. Papers whose lengths are incommensurate with their contributions will be rejected. Papers may be perceived as too long if they are repetitive or verbose, or too short if they omit important details, neglect relevant prior art, or tamper with formatting rules to save on page count.
    • Anonymization. Papers must be anonymized for blind review. We use a relaxed model that does not attempt to conceal all traces of identity from the body of the paper. However, you do need to completely remove identifying information from the title/header area of the paper, and ensure that it does not appear in the document’s meta-data. Citations to your own previous work should be treated with extra care, weighing up anonymisation and the ability for reviewers to take into account all previous research. We encourage authors to refer to their previous work in the third person. Further suppression of identity in the body of the paper is left to the authors’ discretion (e.g., identity could also be revealed through pictures of set-ups, campuses; such instances should be avoided).
    • Contribution types and Topics. Please have a look at the contribution types and conference topics for AutomotiveUI 2025 (bottom of page) or contact the Technical Program Chairs if you are unsure whether your submission fits the conference.
    • Guidelines. Please have a look at the following resources:
    • Prepare supplementary material (optional). We encourage authors to supply supplementary materials that can aid transparency, openness, and future replication of their work. Your submission may be accompanied by a short video or by other supplementary material. Videos do not have a specified limit for duration, although we recommend staying within 5 minutes. Other supplementary material may include, for example, survey text, experimental protocols, source code, and data, all of which can help with replicability of your work. Any non-video supplementary material should be submitted as a single .zip file, including a README file with a description of the materials. Your total submission size (paper + supplementary material) must be no more than 100 MB. Note, however, that your submission must stand on its own and will be reviewed as such. It is the authors’ responsibility to check for compliance with local (institutional) regulations regarding sharing of study materials and participant data. 
    • Previous work. In instances where your new submission builds directly on a project described in another, as-yet-unpublished paper, it is recommended that you submit an anonymized version of that other paper as supplementary material. You may choose to also include a note of explanation as to the novel contribution of the present submission. If the previous work is already published, it may simply be cited in the body of the paper as per usual, and should not be included in the supplementary materials.
    • Make your submission. Submit and resubmit your material using the Precision conference submission system ( until the submission deadline. Be sure to select the appropriate conference and submission track (i.e., SIGCHI > AutoUI 2025 > Paper).
      To aid the review process, authors are requested to indicate which type of research contribution that the submission makes. This information will be used to find the most appropriate meta-reviewers / ACs (Associate Chairs). See above. 
    • Opening of submission system. The submission system will open for submissions approximately four weeks before the submission deadline.
    • Language editing. Papers should be submitted in the English language and be free of spelling or grammar errors. This includes text embedded in figures. We recommend having your article proofread by native speakers of English before submission.
      ACM has partnered with International Science Editing (ISE) to provide discounted language editing services to ACM authors. ISE offers a comprehensive range of services for authors including standard and premium English language editing, as well as illustration and translation services. Visit Please note that these editing services are at the author’s expense and do not guarantee publication of a manuscript.
    • Accessibility. Please make every effort to make your submission accessible. Please see guide to an accessible submission (explanation for CHI 2018, most of it applies to AutomotiveUI 2025 as well)
    • Paper formatting. When you submit your paper it should be formatted using the provided template. If your paper gets accepted, our papers chairs will contact authors about the requirements for final submission. They might also contact if any errors occur during final checks of the format. Authors should be aware that AutomotiveUI works on a limited time-line. Some of this communication will happen during the summer, shortly after decision notification. More details will be provided after paper acceptance.


    The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date may affect the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. For those rare conferences whose proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over, the official publication date remains the first day of the conference.