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The proceedings of the AutomotiveUI 2011 conference are available in the ACM Digital Library:
AUI2011 Proceedings

The adjunct proceedings of AutomotiveUI 2011 include the poster & demo submissions as well as the position papers of the Workshops 2,3,4.
AUI2011_adjunctproceedings.pdf (14.1 MB)


AUI2011 is proud to announce the following accepted papers:

Session 1: Messaging in Motion

Dictating and Editing Short Texts while Driving: Distraction and Task Completion
Jan Curin (IBM, Czech Republic), Martin Labsky (IBM, Czech Republic), Tomas Macek (IBM, Czech Republic), Jan Kleindienst (IBM, Czech Republic), Lars Koenig (Nuance, Germany), Hoi Young (Nuance, USA), Ann Thyme-Gobbel (Nuance, USA), Holger Quast (Nuance, Belgium)

Effects of Speech-based vs Handheld E-mailing and Texting on Driving Performance and Experience
Jacques Terken (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands), Henkjan Visser (, Netherlands), Andrew Tokmakoff (, Netherlands)

Content Matters: Towards Handling E-Mail while Driving Safely
Sergej Truschin, Tobias Schlachtbauer, Andreas Zauner (Technische Universität München, Germany)

Session 2: Modes of Interaction

Generating route instructions with varying levels of detail
Jürgen Ziegler, Tim Hussein, Daniel Münter, Jens Hoffmann, Timm Linder (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)

Evaluating the Usability of a Head-Up Display for Selection from Choice Lists in Cars
Garrett Weinberg (Nuance, USA), Zeljko Medenica (UNH, USA) Bret Harsham (MERL, USA)

A Study on User Acceptance of Proactive In-Car Recommender Systems
Roland Bader (BMW Group Research and Technology, Germany), Oliver Siegmund (Agentur Siegmund GmbH, Germany), Wolfgang Woerndl (Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany)

Individual Differences in Preferred Steering Effort for Steer-by-Wire Systems
Swethan Anand (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands), Jacques Terken (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands), Jeroen Hogema (TNO Human Factors Research Institute, Netherlands)
(as requested by the authors the paper was updated and is not identical with the printed proceedings)

Statistical Effects of Selected Noise Characteristics on Speaker Recognition in Automotive Environments - A First ANOVA-Based Investigation
Sven Tuchscheerer, Christian Krätzer, Tobias C. Hoppe, Jana Dittmann (University of Magdeburg, Germany)

Session 3 : Modeling & Adapting

Support for modeling interaction with in-vehicle interfaces
Stefan Schneegaß (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany), Bastian Pfleging (University of Stuttgart, Germany), Dagmar Kern (Bertrandt GmbH, Germany), Albrecht Schmidt (University of Stuttgart, Germany)

The Automotive Ontology: Managing Knowledge Inside the Vehicle and Sharing it Between Cars
Michael Feld, Christian Müller (German Research Center for AI (DFKI), Germany)

The Impact of an Adaptive User Interface on Reducing Driver Distraction
Patrick Tchankue, Janet L. Wesson, Dieter Vogts (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa)

A Dynamic Content Summarization System for Opportunistic Driver Infotainment
Barabra Rosario, Kent Lyons, Jennifer Healey (Intel Labs, USA)

Human Modeling in a driver analyzing context: challenge and benefit
Tobias Islinger (Regensburg University / Continental Automotive GmbH, Germany), Thorsten Koehler (Continental Automotive GmbH, Germany), Christian Wolff (Regensburg University Media Informatics, Germany)

Session 4: Studies Effects in the Car

Capture the Car! Qualitative In-situ Methods to Grasp the Automotive Context
Alexander Meschtscherjakov, David Wilfinger, Nicole Gridling, Katja Neureiter, Manfred Tscheligi (University of Salzburg, Austria)

User interface transfer for driver information systems: a survey and an improved approach
Fabian Hüger (Volkswagen AG, Germany)

Investigating the Effects of an Advance Warning In-Vehicle System on Behavior and Attention in Controlled Driving
Lars Holm Christiansen, Nikolaj Yde Frederiksen, Alex Ranch, Mikale B. Skov (Aalborg University, Denmark)

Central Executive Functions Likely Mediate the Impact of Device Operation When Driving
Sachi Mizobuchi (Vocalage Inc./University of Toronto, Canada), Mark Chignell (Vocalage Inc./University of Toronto, Canada), Junko Suzuki (Toyota InfoTechnology Center Co., Ltd., Japan), Ko Koga (Toyota InfoTechnology Center Co., Ltd., Japan), Kazunari Nawa (Toyota InfoTechnology Center Co., Ltd., Japan)

An angry driver is not the same as a fearful driver: Effects of specific negative emotions on risk perception, driving performance, and workload
Myounghoon Jeon, Jung-Bim Yim, Bruce Walker (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

Session 6: Studying Car and Driver

Investigating Safety Services on the Motorway: the Role of Realistic Visualization
Peter Froehlich, Matthias Baldauf, Dietmer Schabus, Stefan Suette, Marion Hagen (FTW - Telecommunications Research Center, Austria), Andrew Kun (University of New Hampshire, USA)

Determining Human-Centered Parameters of Ergonomic Micro-Gesture Interaction for Drivers Using the Theatre Approach
Angela Mahr, Christoph Endres, Tanja Schneeberger, Christian Müller (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany)

Natural, Intuitive Finger-based Input as a Means of In-Vehicle Information System Operation?
Andreas Riener, Philipp Wintersberger (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Institute for Pervasive Computing, Austria)

A Cooperative In-Car Game for Heterogeneous Players
Nora Broy (TU Munich, Germany), Sebastian Goebl (TU Munich, Germany), Matheus Hauder (TU Munich, Germany), Tobias Kothmayr (TU Munich, Germany), Michael Kugler (Uni Augsburg, Germany), Florian Reinhart (Uni Augsburg, Germany), Martin Salfer (TU Munich, Germany), Kevin Schlieper (Uni Augsburg, Germany), Elisabeth Andre (Uni Augsburg, Germany)

Session 7: Putting the E in the Car: Eco and Electric

Driver Interfaces for Electric Vehicles
Helena Strömberg (Design & Human Factors, PPD, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden), Pontus Andersson (Saab Automobile AB, Sweden), Susanne Almgreen (Saab Automobile AB, Sweden), Johan Ericsson (Saab Automobile AB, Sweden), MariAnne Karlsson (Design & Human Factors, PPD, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden), Arne Nåbo (Saab Automobile AB, Sweden)

Eco-driving Incentives in the North American Market
Anna Korina Loumidi (Electronics Research Laboratory, Volkswagen Group of America, Inc, USA), Steffi Mittag (Electronics Research Laboratory, Volkswagen Group of America, Inc, USA), William Brian Lathrop (Electronics Research Laboratory, Volkswagen Group of America, Inc, USA), Frank Althoff (Volkswagen AG)

Slow down, you move too fast: Using animation to promote eco-driving
Noam Tractinsky (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel), Ohad Inbar (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel), Omer Tsimhoni (GM Global R&D, Israel), Thomas Seder (GM Global R&D, Israel)


The following posters were accepted for presentation at the conference.

The use of in vehicle data recorders and self-reported data for evaluating driving behavior of young drivers
Gila Albert, Tsippy Lotan, Tomer Toledo, Einat Grimberg, Mariano Lasebnik

Information Extraction from the World Wide Web Using a Speech Interface
Hansjörg Hofmann, Ute Ehrlich, Andreas Eberhardt

IVAT (In-Vehicle Assistive Technology): Multimodal Design Issues for TBI Drivers
Julia DeBlasio Olsheski, Bruce N. Walker

ENGIN (Exploring Next Generation IN-vehicle INterfaces): Drawing a New Conceptual Framework through Iterative Participatory Processes
Mounghoon Jeon, Jonathan Schuett, Jung-Bin Yim, Parameshwaran Raman, Bruce Walker

The HMISL language for modeling HMI product lines
Simon Gerlach

Effect of Spatial Haptic Cues on Visual Attention in Driving
Jinsil Hyun, Jungsik Hwang, Jeha Ryu, Kwangsu Cho

Investigating the Usage of Multifunctional Rotary Knobs in the Center Stack with a Contextual Inquiry
Katja Neureiter, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, David Wilfinger, Manfred Tscheligi

Using the Fast Fourier Transformation for analyzing the steering wheel angle in distracted driving situations
Tobias Islinger, Thorsten Köhler, Bernd Ludwig

Gas Station Creative Probing: The Front Seat Passenger
Sebastian Osswald, Manfred Tscheligi

A New Icon Selection Test for the Automotive Domain Based on Relevant ISO Usability Criteria
Verena Johann, Angela Mahr

The Process of Creating an IVAT Plug-in: Mirror Checking
Thomas Gable, Richard Swette, Alan Tipert, Bruce Walker, Sundararajan Sarangan

Personas for On-Board Diagnostics - User types of drivers dealing with malfunction in e-cars
Sascha Falke, Heidi Krömker

On detecting distracted driving using readily-available sensors
J. Dan Morrow, Kerstan Cole, James Davis

Intuitive Hand Gestures Controls Future Vehicular UI's
Andreas Riener, Michael Rossbory

3D Theremin: A Novel Approach for Convenient "Point and Click"-Interactions in Vehicles
Andreas Riener, Philipp Wintersberger

Open Car User Experience Lab: A Practical Approach to Evaluating Car HMIs Holistically
David Wilfinger, Martin Murer, Manfred Tscheligi

Situation-adaptive driver assistance systems for safe lane change via inferring driver intent
Huiping Zhou, Makoto Itoh, Toshiyuki Inagaki

Determination of Mobility Context using Low-Level Data
Daniel Braun, Christoph Endres, Christian Müller

Addressing Road Rage: The Effect of Social Awareness in Every Day Traffic Situations -- A User Study
Sandro Castronovo, Monika Mitrevska, Christian Müller

New Apps; New Challenges: Quality Matters in Automotive HMI Development
Mark Poguntke, Daniel Mauser

The Ethnographic (U)Turn: Local Experiences of Automobility
Alex Zafiroglu, Tim Plowman, Jennifer Healey, Genevieve Bell, Philip Corriveau, David Graumann

(C)archeology : Car Turns Outs & Automobility
Alex Zafiroglu, Genevieve Bell, Jennifer Healey

An Approach to User-Focused Development of High-Value Human-Machine Interface Concepts
Matthew J. Pitts, Tom Wellings, Alex Attridge, Mark A. Williams


The following demos will be presented at the conference

The ROADSAFE Toolkit: Rapid Prototyping for Road-Testing Novel Automotive User Interfaces
Matthias Baldauf, Dietmar Schabus, Matthias Fuchs, Peter Fröhlich, Stefan Suette

The Design and Implementation of the Human-Vehicle Interface Management System
Jongwoo Choi, Hye Sun Park, Jong Hyun Park, Kyong-Ho Kim

A Multimodal Interaction Style Combining Speech and Touch Interaction in Automotive Environments
Bastian Pfleging, Michael Kienast, Albrecht Schmidt

Industrial Showcase

Accepted Industrial Show Cases

Dialogs Are Dead, Long Live Dialogs: Building a Multimodal Automotive Application for Both Novices and Experts
Garrett Weinberg, Nuance Communications, Inc.

Skinning as a method for differentiating in-car infotainment systems
Simon Gerlach, Volkswagen AG

Using Controller Widgets in 3D-GUI development with end-to-end toolchain support
Simon Gerlach, Volkswagen AG and Stefan Schraml, Fujitsu Semiconductor Embedded Sol. Austria GmbH

Past Conferences


AutomotiveUI2011 is proud to look back on two highly successful conferences.

The 1st International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI09) was hosted by the University of Duisburg- Essen in Essen, Mon/Tue 21 - 22 September 2009. You can find more information about the event on its website:

The proceedings of this conference are online: Proceedings AUI 2009

A year later the 2nd International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI10) took place in Pittsburgh, on November 11th and 12th, 2010. It was hosted by the Carnegie Mellon University. Details about this event can be found on

Follow the link to the proceedings of the AUI2010 conferences: Proceedings AUI 2010