A Work in Progress (WiP) is a concise report of late-breaking findings or other types of innovative or thought-provoking work relevant for the AutoUI community. WiP abstracts appear in the AutoUI Adjunct Proceedings. The authors retain copyright, and the material from them can be used as the basis for future publications as long as there are significant revisions from the original.
A significant benefit of a Work in Progress derives from the discussion between the author and conference attendees fostered by the “face-to-face” presentation of the work. In this spirit, authors of accepted WiP submissions will: (a) create and submit posters of their work; and, (b) virtually present these posters in an interactive online forum during the virtual conference.
Details about this submission category can be found at www.auto-ui.org/20/authors/wip.
Contact: Jim Jenness, Yi-Ching Lee, Anuj Pradhan, and Bruce Walker