
You can now register for the conference using the following link:
Auto-UI has sold out and therefore registration has closed Registration Page

Please be aware of the following dates and fees.

Full conference fees* Early*** Late*** On site
ACM/SIG Members €625,00 €750,00 €850,00 (sold out)
Non-ACM/SIG Members €725,00 €850,00 €950,00 (sold out)
Student ACM €330,00 €370,00 €420,00 (sold out)
Student** non-ACM €360,00 €400,00 €450,00 (sold out)

Other fees


1 Day Access

€360,00 (sold out)



Exhibits Only

€150,00 (sold out)



* The full conference fee includes entry to the workshops, lunch during the main days of the conference (23-25 September), and the conference dinner on Tuesday, September 24th

** ACM and SIGCHI have some funding available for students that present at the conference. The funding is assigned based on a SIGCHI initiated process, separate from the conference. More information can be found here:

*** Early Registration: Ends 31 July at 23:59 Pacific time Late Registration: Ends 16 September at 23:59 Pacific time

Members of the press

If you are an accredited press member willing to report on the AutomotiveUI 2019 conference, please contact the Registration Chair via e-mail at  When you arrive on site, please show your press credentials at the registration desk.

Visa SUpport Letters

If you require a visa support letter, please read the information here: