Monday: Main conference

Tentative program

This is the tentative programme. Please check this page for changes. The main conference will take place in "De Munt". Information on how to get there can be found here.

08:00 - 9:00 Registration

Location: at the entry of the building

8:45 - 10:00 Opening

Opening by Chairs, followed by Opening Keynote by Prof. Nilli Lavie (UCL)

Location: room "Productieruimte".

See description of keynotes here.

Date & Location

Date: September 23rd, 2019

Location: De Munt

Leidseweg 90
3531 BG Utrecht
The Netherlands

The registration desk will be at the entry of the building.

10:00-10:30 Coffee / Tea Break

Location: "Eerste slagruimte" and "Ontwerpruimte"

10:30-11:50 Papers session 1: Designing Spaces and Interfaces

Location: room "Productieruimte"; Chair: Anna-Katharina Frison

InCarAR: A Design Space Towards 3D Augmented Reality Applications in Vehicles Honorable Mention
Gesa Wiegand, Christian Mai, Kai Hollaender, Heinrich Hussmann

A Video-Based Automated Driving Simulator for Automotive UI Prototyping, UX and Behaviour Research
Michael A. Gerber, Ronald Schroeter, Julia Vehns

Exploring the Future Experience of Automated "Valet Parking" – a User Enactment
Robin Neuhaus, Eva Lenz, Shadan Sadeghian Borojeni, Marc Hassenzahl

The Energy Interface Challenge. Towards Designing Effective Energy Efficiency Interfaces for Electric Vehicles
Thomas Franke, Daniel Görges, Matthias G. Arend

To Please in a Pod: Employing an Anthropomorphic Agent-Interlocutor to Enhance Trust and User Experience in an Autonomous, Self-Driving Vehicle
David R. Large, Kyle James Harrington, Gary Burnett, Jacob Luton, Peter Thomas, Pete Bennett

11:50-13:00 Lunch & Exhibits

Location: room "Ontwerpruimte"

13:00-14:20 Papers session 2: Auto-UI Today

Location: room "Productieruimte"; Chair: Brittany Holthausen

Exploratory Analysis of the Research Literature on Evaluation of In-Vehicle Systems
Lukas Lamm, Christian Wolff

From Manual Driving to Automated Driving: A Review of 10 Years of AutoUI
Jackie Ayoub, Feng Zhou, X. Jessie Yang, Shan Bao, Walter Talamonti

Effectiveness of Red-Light Running Countermeasures: A Systematic Review
Sardar Elias, Moojan Ghafurian, Silby Samuel

Towards Opt-Out Permission Policies to Maximize the Use of Automated Driving
Philipp Hock, Franziska Babel, Johannes Kraus, Enrico Rukzio, Martin Baumann

The Insurer's Paradox: About Liability, the Need for Accident Data, and Legal Hurdles for Automated Driving
Alexander G. Mirnig, Roderick McCall, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Manfred Tscheligi

14:20-15:40 Exhibits, Work-in-Progress 1, Coffee / Tea Break

Coffee and tea, Demo's and exhibits, location: room "Ontwerpruimte and Eerste Slagruimte"
Work-in-Progress 1, location: room "Auditorium"

15:40-17:00 Panel 1: Global Perspectives

Location: room "Productieruimte"

More details on the panel can be found here.

17:00 Munt building closes

17:30-19:30 Conference opening reception

Location: Utrecht "Academiegebouw", room "Aula" Domplein 293512 JE Utrecht

Opening reception with:
- word of welcome by Utrecht Vice Mayor Victor Everhardt
- word of welcome by Dean of Utrecht Faculty of Social Sciences Prof. Marcel van Aaken
- award ceremony of best paper award and ACM best European paper award